Tips for Self care


Recognize early warning signs

Warning signs are signals that you may notice that point towards an underlying issue or problem. You may recognize that you are changing in the way you are thinking acting or feeling. Some common warning signs include worry, fear or dread, having difficulty concentrating, feeling irritable, fatigued, sweating, nausea, tremors, or a rapid heartbeat. If you experience these warning signs, seek professional help. It’s never too late to take the first step towards your mental health.

Take care of yourself

Make sure you eat healthy meals and get regular exercise. Exercise helps to reduce stress by providing an outlet for the stress that has built up in your body. Self-care also involves checking in with your feelings and emotional health. If you are unable to focus on taking care of yourself and don’t feel motivated to engage in basic activities of daily living, it’s important to reach out for help. Psychotherapy can be useful to build awareness around your needs and create a plan to work on behaviors and thoughts that facilitate your self-development.

Plan to do something you enjoy each day

This doesn’t have to be something big or expensive, as long as it is enjoyable and provides something to look forward to. Often counting simple activities that you accomplished in a day can contribute towards your self esteem and motivation to continue each day. If you feel you are currently not the best version of yourself and it feels like a challenge to show up each day. Feel free to explore psychotherapy to learn evidence-based practices that can work in alignment with your desired goals in life.