Anxiety Therapy

We offer a complimentary 20-minute discovery call to help you find the right fit. During this call, we’ll discuss your challenges and goals, and outline how our therapy services can support you.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety can affect the way you feel emotionally and physically, the way you think, and the way you behave. This table shows some common symptoms of anxiety

Physical Reactions

Sweating Shaking Shortness of breath Racing heartbeat, pain or tightness in the chest Nausea, vomiting Dizziness Dry mouth Muscle tension Restlessness Going red in the face Difficulty falling or staying asleep Feeling on edge Being easily startled (e.g., by loud noises or sudden movements).

Emotional Reactions

Worried Stressed Fearful Irritable Feeling impending doom Needing constant reassurance


Finding it hard to concentrate or remember things Confusion Thinking the same things over and over Negative thoughts like ‘I am going crazy’, or ‘I am going to embarrass myself.


Avoiding and escaping from things that make you anxious Being on the lookout for danger Repeated checking (e.g., making sure doors are locked or the oven is off) Using alcohol, tobacco or other drugs to cope Withdrawing from others.