Couples Therapy for client’s struggling with Trauma

Are you and your partner dealing with the impact of PTSD while also facing challenges in your relationship? We understand that navigating the complexities of PTSD and its effects on a couple can be incredibly challenging. At Lotus Beacon of Hope, we offer specialized psychotherapy services designed to help couples like you overcome these obstacles and strengthen your bond.

Couples therapy + addressing PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can have a significant impact on a couple's relationship. The symptoms of PTSD, such as avoidance, emotional numbing, and hyperarousal, can affect communication, intimacy, and trust. Cognitive Behavioural Conjoint Therapy (CBCT) is an approach that can help couples manage the impact of PTSD on their relationship.

CBCT for couples with PTSD involves working with both partners to improve their communication and relationship skills. The therapist helps the couple identify and address the specific PTSD-related difficulties in their relationship. CBCT is typically structured, goal-oriented, and focused on skill-building.

CBCT helps couples with PTSD in several ways:

  1. Improved Communication: PTSD symptoms can interfere with communication between partners. CBCT can help couples develop effective communication skills, such as active listening, expressing emotions, and problem-solving. Improved communication can help couples feel more connected and supported, which can reduce stress and anxiety.

  2. Increased Emotional Intimacy: PTSD can affect emotional intimacy, causing partners to feel disconnected or emotionally numb. CBCT can help couples increase emotional intimacy by learning how to express their feelings and needs, share positive experiences, and engage in enjoyable activities together.

  3. Enhanced Coping Skills: CBCT can help couples develop coping skills for managing PTSD symptoms. The therapist can teach couples relaxation techniques, stress management strategies, and cognitive restructuring skills. These skills can help couples feel more in control of their emotions and improve their overall well-being.

  4. Strengthened Relationship Satisfaction: CBCT can help couples strengthen their relationship satisfaction by improving their communication, increasing emotional intimacy, and enhancing coping skills. This can help couples feel more connected, supported, and satisfied in their relationship.

Divyanksha Gaind is a experienced Registered Psychotherapist holding expertise in delivering evidence-based interventions for couples that focuses on improving communication, increasing emotional intimacy, and enhancing coping skills, all of which can help couples manage the impact of PTSD on their relationship. By working together, couples can learn skills to promote healing and growth in their relationship.