Changing Perspective.. Changing Lives..


“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”

- Wayne Dyer


Why did I choose the name  “Lotus Beacon of Hope” for my services?

A glimpse of my life experiences and approach as a Registered Psychotherapist…

“The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest and thickest mud.” – Buddhist Proverb 

The idea of “Lotus” and “Beacon of Hope” came to me while I was in my early 20’s when I was trying to find answers to the questions around my life.

I often asked myself what would be the purpose of my life? Encountering psychology and practicing Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism helped me awaken to my mission to support individuals struggling with mental health issues. My life found a greater direction when I got the clarity of this purpose and since then I have dedicated my journey towards self healing and healing others through providing my services. Inspired to accomplish this purpose along with putting in hard work and persistence, despite facing challenges in my life I have been able to achieve great success in my career.

I was deeply inspired by the significance of the Lotus Flower in the spiritual context in the Buddhist teachings. When I thought about my psychotherapy practice I decided for it to represent the truth of life and something that reminds others of the ever existing possibilities in life.

Lotus flower is unlike any ordinary flower. The flower grows in dark, muddy waters and remains unspoiled and unaffected by the mud in which it blooms. This is an apt metaphor for the therapy process as “Lotus” reminds us of how to bloom and shine despite the (mud) problems and follow the inner wisdom we all have within us.

The lotus puts forth flowers and fruit at the same time. In most plants, the fruit develops after the flower has bloomed and the petals of the flower have fallen away. The fruit of the lotus plant, however, develops simultaneously with the flower, and when the flower opens, the fruit is there within it.

This can be used as a metaphor to learn how to respond to problems in life. It signifies that with every problem comes a solution and human beings like the lotus flower can deal with the muddy waters and also create more value and fruit from their experiences. The Lotus flower is a symbol of purity and hope. It reminds us of the power within us to surmount challenges and problems we may face in life given the right support and environment.

“Beacon of Hope” comes from reading books written by my mentor Dr. Daisaku Ikeda and my own conviction and calling to be a “Beacon of Hope” to those who need support with different mental health conditions.  

As a Registered Psychotherapist, I bring immense care, compassion, and empathy to the needs of my clients. Based on my own experience and struggles in life I strongly believe that no matter who you are, what your current circumstances are, you have within you unlimited potential and wisdom to achieve your goals in life. I strongly believe that there is a possibility of change in every situation if proper support and resources are provided. Therapy can be a place to learn skills and interventions that can be life-transforming. Therapy can also be a place to gently explore and build awareness, in a non-judgemental environment to understand what might be needed is present, to move forward towards change.

My work as a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario, is based on this foundation of expertise in evidence-based interventions and experience of working with diverse clients for more than a decade. In Therapy, I create a safe holding space for clients to explore their inner strengths, process difficult emotions, and focus on their vision meeting their unique goals.

If you resonate with my approach and think I can support you in your journey, please feel free to book a session below.