Trauma-informed therapy focuses on creating a safe and supportive environment in which individuals can process their traumatic experiences and work towards healing and recovery. It involves understanding the potential triggers and reactions that may arise in therapy and taking steps to minimize their impact.

The principles of trauma-informed therapy include:

Safety: Creating a safe and supportive environment in which individuals feel comfortable and secure is essential in trauma-informed therapy. This may involve setting boundaries, using trauma-sensitive language, and taking steps to minimize triggers in the therapeutic setting.

Trustworthiness: Building trust is essential in trauma-informed therapy. This may involve being transparent, consistent, and non-judgmental in interactions with clients.

Choice: Trauma-informed therapy recognizes that individuals have the right to make their own decisions and to have control over their own treatment. This may involve offering a range of treatment options and empowering individuals to make decisions about their care.

Collaboration: Trauma-informed therapy involves working collaboratively with clients to identify their needs and goals for treatment. This may involve involving clients in the treatment planning process and seeking input from other professionals and support systems as needed.

Empowerment: Trauma-informed therapy aims to empower individuals to take control of their own healing and recovery process. This may involve helping individuals develop coping skills and strategies, and supporting them in building a strong support network.

There are a number of different therapeutic approaches that can be used in a trauma-informed therapy setting, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, and emotion-focused therapy. The choice of approach will depend on the specific needs and goals of the individual client.

Trauma-informed therapy can be effective in helping individuals overcome the impact of trauma and improve their mental health and well-being. Divyanksha Gaind is an expert with over 10 years of experience supporting clients through trauma-informed approach and she specializes in interventions that helps clients learn essential skills to process their trauma. At Lotus Beacon of Hope we understand the unique challenges and needs of individuals who have experienced trauma and provide a safe space to help them move forward towards wellbeing and post traumatic growth. If you are seeking therapy for trauma, please reach out to us, we can provide a safe and supportive environment in which to heal and recover.